Monday, June 30, 2008
I started the transition to one nap a day today. They used to nap around 9:30-10:30 and then again around 2-3/3:30. The last four days we were finding that they didn't want to go to bed at their usual 7:30 time--more like 8:30/9! And they would still get up at 6:30 (ugh, but I can deal with it).
Well, how did it go you ask....They did well in the morning staying up until 11:15 from 6:30. They probably could have gone a little later actually but I didn't want to cross the fine line of tired and overtired. Kaylie slept until 12:45 (not as long as I was hoping for--ugh) and Ryan until 1:15--being woken up by a motorcycle (ugh, don't get me started on that one!) I think he would have gone longer.
So they had lunch upon waking and we played, went to Kohl's, played outside. I kept them busy.
They did really well until 6--well, 5:50 to be exact. We had some meltdowns in the high chairs, so we went upstairs to play. Different environment usually works. I was planning on a 7PM bottle and immediate bed. Well, they had the 7 PM bottle but STILL wanted to be up! WHAT!?!?! I was astonished. I found this out after bringing Ryan up (after seeing that he could barely stand up) and him wailing on and on (ugh!) until we finally went to go get him. I knew he was at the overtired state, but we let him be downstairs for a bit longer. When brought up, again he carried on crying for what seemed like forever, finally passing out at 8:10. Ugh, I just hate that. It breaks my heart. We're not sure if he is getting a separation anxiety or is just overtired. Up until four days ago, we used to literally put him in the crib, say goodnight and walk out of the room. What gives????
Kaylie was a good girl. She played & pooped (ugh! seems to be her new poop time, so there goes a wasted overnight diaper) after her bottle and then was brought up at 7:40 and she went down without a fight. Still a bit late considering when she woke up, but I'll take it.
I know it was only day one and it will take some getting used to. Hopefully, it gets better each day. Suggestions? Leave a comment.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Pics of the Week
Friday, June 27, 2008
The Sniffer
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tooth Brushing
The last couple of weeks we have started to brush our teeth regularly. They actually like it. They throw a fit when I take the toothbrush away before they jam it down their throats. How long will this last? I remember hating to brush my teeth as a kid, but then again I didn't have berry flavored toothpaste either.
Speaking of teeth.....our current tooth tally finds Ryan overcoming Kaylie's lead with a whopping 7 and Kaylie stands at 5.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
What's New?
What's new this week--although it's only Tuesday? Kaylie finally started to say her 'D's--her first consonant!!!! This is HUGE! She is very quiet about it and doesn't do it all that often, but we have both heard her a few times now in the past two days! I couldn't be happier.
I've been pushing table food this week. Not really pushing it, but they are not as interested in the spoon so I am taking that cue. They are getting the hang of it but I never realized how hard it can be to find foods that they will eat while making sure they are still getting the proper nutrients. Ryan has pretty much refused everything. Pasta is a no go. Tonight I caved and tried chicken nuggets. They were a hit, especially with Ryan! This must run in the family as their cousin, Rachel, is known to enjoy a nugget or two. Anyway that was the first food he actually gobbled up. He could live on Cheerios and Puffs if I let him. Kaylie is willing to try anything and even ate a few bits of broccoli.
Some foods I've tried already: homemade mac & cheese, grilled cheese, toast with jelly, green beanas, waffle, pastina, orzo with broth, ravioli (plain), broccoli, peas, carrots, watermelon, raspberries, bananas, apples. There's probably more, but I'm done thinking about it.
Going to try eggs, venture into tomato sauce, and make a quiche. There may be a lot of casserole making going on in this house. We'll see.
Here are some pictures of them enjoying their nuggets tonight. I love the first one with Cheerios stuck to K's face.
Got any food suggestions? Leave me a comment with recipe!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
First Birthday Pictures- A Little Late

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Pics of the Week

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Ryan's First Haircut

Needless to say he started crying--especially when I had to hold his head still (an impossible feat) while she got near the ears. He was arching and moving so much and only strapped in the chair with a rinky dink strap. I was trying to keep him in the chair and hold his head at the same time. She even offered him a lollipop but he wanted nothing to do with it. I'm not counting that as his first lollipop because he didn't even take one lick. LOL. I don't know how hairdressers do it with kids like that. He is pretty butchered. The ears are not even at all.

Here he is after the ordeal. He looks like a big boy now. Phew, I'm glad that is over. Not looking forward to next time.
Oh yeah, they gave me some locks and he got his first certificate of merit. LOL
Monday, June 16, 2008
Dr. Visit
Another First!

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Pics of the Week

Happy Father's Day
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I've Been Tagged
The rules:
Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.
What was I doing ten years ago?
Ten years ago...June of 1998. Just graduated from Douglass College with my bachelors, but I was in the 5 year Master's program so I had another year to go. I think I worked at a daycare that summer. I honestly don't bad is that?
What are five (non-work) things on my to-do list for today?
1. Pluck my eyebrows
2. Surf the internet
3. Order the kid's birth certificates (yeah it's been a year)
4. Make dentist appt.
5. Make pedicure appt.
Five snacks I enjoy: (only 5? Hmmmm...)
1. Cheetos
2. Fruit salad
3. Chocolate chip cookies & milk
4. Chocolate covered pretzels & strawberries
5. Rice Krispie Treats
Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Buy a bigger house
2. Travel the world
3. donate to needy schools
Probably more.. but I don't have time to think more about it
Places I’ve lived:
1. Neshanic Station, NJ
2. Colts Neck, NJ
3. New Brunswick, NJ
4. Somerset, NJ
Jobs I’ve had:
1. Teacher
2. Customer Assistant at Champion & Leggs Hanes Bali outlets
3. Worked at a day care
4. babysitter/nanny
5. Mom
TAG! You’re it (Rules are made to be broken right? I'm breaking the rules and only tagging 3 people)
1. Amy
2. Toni
3. Debi
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
We're Formula Free!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Damn Yankees!
Yesterday we went to Yankee Stadium to see the Yankees play. I have never been to a game there and wanted to see the stadium before they open the new one. Bob got me tickets for my birthday so we went. The seats were awesome--4th row! It was soooooooo HOT! We weren't under any kind of shade, so we were roasting in the 95 degree weather. One time a cloud came in front of the sun and the whole stadium cheered and then booed as it quickly made its pass. We drank lots of water and HAD sunscreen. Only we took the type that is in the aerosol can---a BRAND NEW can. Well, that was confiscated as we went into the stadium. Who knew??? I don't really know what they think I was going to do with it. Bob has very fair skin and burns in a minute and I have become very sensitive to the sun. We needed to have something. I did bring a Waterbabies stick with me that is used on faces. That was SPF 30. We bought sunscreen there and what a ripoff. $5 for a bottle the size that you might get in a hotel room and SPF 15 to boot. So I learned to bring the non aerosol kind with me next time, although I did see another woman with the spray kind which infuriated me to no end. She must have had it buried in her bag or something.
We had to laugh at one of our few outings out as a couple and we choose to sweat our buns off! Anyway, the Yankees lost, but I was glad to be able to see a game. Thanks Nana & Pop-Pop for babysitting. If you want to see a video of Kaylie taken by Nana click here

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Pics of the Week

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Tooth Number 5
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Aren't These Cute?
Monday, June 2, 2008
Happy 12 Months!
Aunt Amy & Uncle Steve bought Ryan & Kaylie first birthday onesies. They wore these on their actual birthday. (Ryan's says Baby's 1st Birthday and Kaylie's says 1st Birthday Girl). On Friday, we took a trip to the mall where they were wished a Happy Birthday by anyone that stopped us or any elevators we rode, and the cashiers of stores we stopped at. We then took a walk in the neighborhood and played outside.
One Year Appointment
They will be starting milk. This makes Mommy's life a lot easier--no more mixing two types of formula!! Yipppeeee!!! Of course we are going to ease into it. Otherwise, they are doing well for their adjusted age.
Ryan 22 lbs. 7 oz. 30 inches
Kaylie 17 1/2 lbs. 27 1/4 inches (this number differs from the NICU appt. we had less than 2 weeks ago. Looks like Kaylie shrunk. :) )
First Birthday Bash!
Here are the guests of honor in their birthday wear. Kaylie has a bow in her hair for the first time. It actually stayed in and she didn't even know it was there. Mommy's newly found hobby--collecting bows for her. I'll be hitting up the mall kiosk again real soon.