The kids had colds on/off all month. It seemed to be one right after the other. We would get a few days reprieve and then the wiping started again. We went to a few birthday parties this month and have been trying to make the best of winter.
Something I wanted to blog about was something Ryan did. One day he was in the basement with Bob. I was upstairs with Kaylie. He came upstairs and said, "Daddy hit head. Sleeping." At first I didn't understand what he said so I asked again. He repeated it. I yell out to Bob. No answer. Now I panic and go flying down the stairs only to find Bob on the floor (perfectly fine BTW). Turns out Ryan had thrown a Thomas train and it did hit Bob in the head. Bob laid on the floor, probably exaggerating the pain as he is known to do, but he wasn't saying or doing anything. I guess Ryan had thought he was truly hurt and came up the stairs to tell me. I was so proud of him for doing that, although Bob thought he just left him for dead. LOL. It's good to know he knew enough to tell someone what happened. My hero!
Some pics from January:
Here they are at a place called R Bounce. We were there for a party. It was a fun place and they had a great time jumping on the inflatables there. I got quite a workout myself taking the kids through the obstacle course and down the huge slide. The kids were too cute in the "jousting" area.

A way to amuse a 2 year old (& develop fine motor skills): BUBBLE WRAP!!
Happy girl
At another birthday party. This place was called Let's Pretend. It had different rooms set up in different themes like, school, beach, beauty parlor/dress up, music, etc and a jumping inflatable. They had fun! I hope I am able to save the picture of Kaylie "teaching." Maybe she will follow my footsteps one day and become a teacher, although I hope she goes into an occupation that makes more money.

That pretend place looks cool. We have an outdoor venue like that. Wonderful stuff.
Finally you and Linda are back, now I have something to read, lol! Looks like some fun being had at those bday parties. The kids are getting so big and they are adorable. That is AWESOME that Ryan saved his Daddy (well, he thought he was!). Always a good thing to have a hero around:)
That is so impressive that he let you know something was wrong with daddy.
What a fun place you took them too. My kids would absolutely love it.
Those places look like a lot of fun!
OMGOSH about your husband and your little guy being a BIG BOY and coming to tell you. WOW!
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