Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone a new year filled with health, happiness and good fortune!!!

Kind of strange but as a teacher the new year always started in September when school started. January was just another month and not one for new starts. Being out of the teaching world for two years, I'm beginning to feel like the rest of the world and actually setting resolutions. One of the resolutions I have for myself is to get organized. There is so much stuff around here that needs to get sold, given away, or just plain thrown out! Another is to put myself first sometimes--that includes more me time, eating better, and exercising. I could probably list a handful of other things too but for now I'll keep my list short. I hope I can hold true to these goals.

Anyway, here's to a great 2009!!


Christa said...

Happy New Year!

Linda said...

Ha, you sound like me! Happy New Year Liz! Hope we can finally have that playdate soon!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

happy new year!

~Sandy said...

I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
Hugs, Sandy

Annie said...

Happy New Year!!!

cat said...

Happy New Year!