Painting pumpkins on a really windy day= an activity that did not last long at all! And using washable paint means that the rain will wash it off too.

Princess in training-- although I think her training phase is complete! :)

I took out this old floor mat I used to have around when they were rolling and cruising around. They loved it! They loved pulling the pieces out and putting them back in. It was a new found toy.

Crib visit by Kaylie. She loves when I let her put all the stuffed animals they own in Ryan's crib. Ryan not so much. He was like, "What are you doing to MY crib?"

Picking pinecones in our backyard. Yeah, this was a mess. Who would have thought? Turns out the pinecones were sticky, sticky, sticky! BTW, baby oil helps get it off of skin and hand sanitizer helped get it out of their fleece jackets. Some good tips to remember there!

We've been going to the library for story time. They have it two days a week and have been making crafts. This made me realize that we need more practice using glue. I suppose learning to cut with (VERY DULL) scissors is in the near future for them too. Ryan has a hard time sitting at story time and this story time is interspersed with songs and movement too. It's not like they have to sit the whole time. He would rather wander around. Thankfully it is an enclosed room. We are working on it. Some days are better than others. Kaylie is the shyest girl you have ever seen. She takes a long time to warm up. I'm actually beginning to worry about what she will be like when it is time to leave me for preschool. It will just break my heart.
Mommy has gotten brave and started taking them to playgrounds that aren't fenced in! Can you believe it? The ones we have gone to have been very far from the road and lots of space to run around and next to no one there. That helps a lot! They pretty much just climb the play structure anyway. Now getting them back in the car when it is time to go is another whole issue.
In one of my posts I was hoping to take them on the carousel myself. Well, I did that too! No pictures of it but I did it and it went just fine. They did give me a frequent carousel rider card so I guess that means I have to do it again.
Well that's all I can think of for now. Looking forward to Halloween.